The Blessed Necklace (story)

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The Blessed Necklace (story)

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Once an old, poor man came to the Prophet (S) asking for help. The Prophet (S) told him that he had no money at that time, but he asked him to go and ask for help from his daughter Lady Fatima (A). The man was directed by Bilal and he came to the house of Lady Fatima (A) and said, "Salamun Alaykum, O Household of the Prophet, O Household where the angels visit and where Jibraeel comes down with Allah's words. I am a poor and hungry man, please help me." Lady Fatima (A) had nothing to give to the old man except a necklace that her cousin (Imam Ali) had gifted to her. She was so generous that she took it off and gave it to the old man, telling him to sell the necklace and use the money.

The man took the necklace to the Prophet (S) who was in the mosque with some Muslims. The Prophet (S) asked the people who would buy it to help the poor man. Ammar Yasir, who was a friend of the Prophet (S), asked the man what he would like for the necklace. The man asked for a meal, a shirt and some money. Ammar gave him much more than he had asked for and the old man left, delighted with his good fortune. Then, Ammar told his servant to return with the necklace to the house of Lady Fatima (A) and to tell her that he had sent the necklace and the servant as a gift. Lady Fatima (A) thanked the servant for bringing the necklace and gave him his freedom. When the servant whose name was Sahm, heard that he was free, he laughed. Lady Fatima (A) asked him why he was laughing. He said, "What a special necklace this is! It fed a hungry man and gave him clothes and wealth. Then it freed a slave and now it has returned back to its owner!"1

We learn from lady Fatima (A) that:
Never turn a begger away.
Always be generous with your things
If you give charity with a good intention, then you always get back from Allah more than you spent.

Ahadith from Lady Fatima 

Allah has asked you to be kind and obedient to your parents. Your parents’ happiness will protect you like a shield against His anger and displeasure.2

1. Majlisi, Biharul Anwar Vol 43 pg 56-58
2. A’yaan al-Shi’a, v.1, p.316.

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