
Reflections on the Islamic Teachings
Man, according to his divine nature, inclines towards the truth, provided that his bias and carnal inclinations do not prevent him from seeing the truth. Islam Plus, in the section of Articles, strives to provide contents in a variety of subjects related to Islam for those who are willing to adopt and tread the right path.
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What is Bada' ?

The reality of bada' is founded upon two principles. The first is that God has absolute power and authority over the whole of existence, and whenever He wills, He can replace a given destiny with another one... The second principle regarding bada' is that acts of supreme power and authority issue from God; and when He brings about the replacement of ...

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After the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.), the Exalted Allah (s.w.t.) shall cause group of those, who ha...
Beliefs & Creeds » General Beliefs
The civilization of lslam owes its success to the ceaseless efforts of the Muslim umma. Many different peo...
Islam & Religions » About Islam
It is reported that the Prophet (S) always used to have salt before and after meals, and he said that a pe...
Lifestyle » Nutrition & Health
...Thus it is clear from above discussion that Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) daily habit of stopping at his da...
Qur’an & Ahl al-Bayt » About Ahl al-Bayt