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رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
يا أباذَرٍّ، إيّاكَ والتَّسويفَ بِأمَلِكَ، فإنَّكَ بِيَومِكَ و لَستَ بما بَعدَهُ، فإن يَكُن غَدٌ لكَ فَكُن في الغَدِ كما كُنتَ في اليَومِ، و ان لم يَكُن غَدٌ لكَ لَم تَندَمْ على ما فَرَّطتَ في اليَومِ.
The Prophet Muhammad (S):
O Abu Dharr, beware of procrastinating with your [high] hopes, for verily you have today [at your disposal] and have not yet reached tomorrow. When tomorrow comes to you, then be in it as you are in the present; [that way] even if you do not have tomorrow, you will not have regret for all that you neglected today.
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