Hadith Poster

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Imam al-Kazim (as):
 The world was embodied to Jesus (AS) in the form of a blue-eyed woman, and he said to her,  How many have you married?  she said,  Lots , so he asked,  So all of them divorced you? , she replied,  No, rather I killed all of them , then Jesus (AS) said,  Woe upon your current spous es, for how do they not take a lesson from your previous ones?! 
 Bahar alanevar
Imam al-Kazim (as): The world was embodied to Jesus (AS) in the form of a blue-eyed woman, and he said to her, How many have you married? she said, Lots , so he asked, So all of them divorced you? , she replied, No, rather I killed all of them , then Jesus (AS) said, Woe upon your current spous es, for how do they not take a lesson from your previous ones?! Bahar alanevar