Hadith Poster

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The Prophet Muhammad (S):
O people! The most virtuous of people is he who is humble although elevated in rank, is ascetic despite richness, is fair in spite of his strength and forgiving in spite of his power. Verily, the most virtuous of people is a servant who takes what suffices him from this world, takes self-restraint as his companion therein, prepares his provision for the journey of the Hereafter and thus is ready for his departure from this world. 
Alam al-Din in the attributes of believers
The Prophet Muhammad (S): O people! The most virtuous of people is he who is humble although elevated in rank, is ascetic despite richness, is fair in spite of his strength and forgiving in spite of his power. Verily, the most virtuous of people is a servant who takes what suffices him from this world, takes self-restraint as his companion therein, prepares his provision for the journey of the Hereafter and thus is ready for his departure from this world. Alam al-Din in the attributes of believers