Hadith Poster

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The Prophet Muhammad (S):
whenever the Prophet (s) looked at a man who impressed him, he would ask,  Does he have a profession?  If they said,  No , he would say,  He has lost his worth in my eye.  They would then ask,  O Messenger of Allah! Why is that?!  He would reply,  Because when the believer has no profession, he exploits his religion to earn livelihood. 
Jāmi' al-Akhbār
The Prophet Muhammad (S): whenever the Prophet (s) looked at a man who impressed him, he would ask, Does he have a profession? If they said, No , he would say, He has lost his worth in my eye. They would then ask, O Messenger of Allah! Why is that?! He would reply, Because when the believer has no profession, he exploits his religion to earn livelihood. Jāmi' al-Akhbār