Fascinating discourses from Imam Hassan al-Askari (AS)

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Fascinating discourses from Imam Hassan al-Askari (AS)

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The Thirteenth Infallible Hassan Askari (as)

Name: Hassan (as)
Renouned Title: Askari
Subtitle: Abu Muhammad
Father and Mother: Imam Hadi (as) and Saleel (as)
Time & Place of Birth. 8th Rabi usani or 24rth Rabiul Awal 232 Hijrah in Medina
Time & Place of Martyrdom: 8th Rabi ul Awal 260 Hijrah By The conspiracy of Motamid the Foureenth Abbasade caliph, in the city of Samara at the age of 28 years.
Tomb: Samara (Iraq) Duration of life.
Before Imamate 22 years (from 232 to 245 Hijrah. After Imamate 6 years 254 to 260 Hijrah.
He was constantly & permenently under observation in the prison of the Satans of his age & was finally brutally martyred by poison.

Twenty Traditions from Imam Hassan al-Askari (AS)

1. Allah is the one with whom all the creatures seek refuge at the time of need & hardships & while the hope from all the creations & the causes determinants except Him, is cut off. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 3, P 41)

1- اَللهُ هُوَ الَّذي يَتَألَّهُ إِلَيهِ عِندَ الحَوائِج وَالشَّدائِدِ کُلُّ مَخلُوقِ، عِند انقِطاعِ الرَّجاءِ مِن کُلِّ مَن دُونَهُ وَتَقَطُّعِ اِلأَسبابِ مِن جَميعِ مَن سِواهُ. (بحار الانوار ج3 ص41)


2. No respectful one abandons the right except that he becomes debased, & no debased acquires it except that he becomes respectful & honorable. (Tuhaf al-Uqul P 487)

2- ما تَرَکَ الحَقَّ عَزيزٌ إلاّ ذَلَّ،وَلا أَخَذَ بِهِ ذَليلٌ إِلاّعَزَّ. (تحف العقول ص489)


3. Thus the one out of the jurisprudents who is the protector of his soul, saver of his religion, the opposer of his passions & lusts (of ego), submissive to the command of his master (Imam), 'so it is obligatory for the people to follow and refer to him. (Wasail ush-Shia Vol. 18. P 95)

3- فَأَمَا مَن کانَ مِنَ الفُقَهاءِ صائِناً لِنَفسِهِ،حافِظاً لِدينِهِ،مُخالِفاً عَلی هَواهُ مُطيعاًلأِمرِ مَولاهُ،فَلِلعَوامِ أَن يُقَلِّدُوهُ. (وسائل الشيعة ج18 ص95)


4. An era will approach when the people's faces would be laughing (exalting) & their hearts would be dark, bleak & dirty. The Sunnah to them would be innovation & innovation would be (considered) Sunnah among them. The faithful would be belittled & debased among them, & the transgressor would be honorable & respectful among them. Their lords & chiefs would be ignorant & aggressive ones. And the religious scholar’s would be on the threshold of the aggressors & tyrants. (Mustadak ul-Wasail. Vol. 2. P 322)

4- سَيَأتي زَمانٌ النّاسِ وُجُوهُهُم ضاحِکَةٌ مُستَبشِرَةٌ، وَقُلُوبُهُم مُظلِمَةٌ مُتَکَدَّرَةٌ، السُّنَّةُ فِيهِم بِدعَةٌ،وَالبِدعَةٌ فيهِم سُنَّةٌ،المِؤمِنُ بَينَهُم مُحَقَّرٌ، وَالفاسقُ بَينَهُم مُوَقَتَرٌ،أُمَراؤُهُم جاهِلُونَ جائِرُونَ وُعُلَماؤُهُم في أَبوابِ الظَّلَمَةِ... (مستدرک الوسائل 2 ص322)


5. Whoever admonishes his brother secretly he has decorated him & the one who admonishes him openly & publicly has vilified him.(Tuhaf al-Uqul P 489)

5 مَن وَعَظَ أَخاهُ سِرّاً فَقَد زانَهُ. وَ مَن وَعَظَهُ عَلانِيَةً فَقَد شانَهُ. (تحف العقول ص489)


The best of your brothers is the one who forgets your sin & remembers your favor done to him.

6. The best of your brothers is the one who forgets your sin & remembers your favor done to him. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 379)

6- خَيرُ إِخوانِکَ مَن نَسِیَ ذَنبَکَ وَذَکَرَ إِحسانَکَ إِلَيهِ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص379)


7. The heart of the foolish is in his mouth & the mouth (lips) of the wise one is in his heart (the foolish says whatever he pleases, without considering it's repercussion whereas the sage thinks before speaking.) (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 374)

7- قَلبُ الأَحمَقِ في فَمِهِ وَ فَمُ الحکيمِ في قَلبِهِ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص374)


8. Do not enter a disputed discussion as it will take away your honor & respect & do not make mockery & joke as people would dare at you. (Tuhaf al-Uqul P 486)

8- لا تُمار فَيَذهَبَ بَهاؤُکَ،وَلا تُمازِح فَيُجتَرَأَ عَلَيکَ.


There is nothing above two qualities, belief & faith upon Allah & benefitting the faithful brethren. 

9. There is nothing above two qualities, belief & faith upon Allah & benefitting the faithful brethren. (Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 489)

9- خَصلَتانِ لَيسَ فَوقَهُما شَيءٌ،إِلايمانُ بِاللهِ وَنَفعُ الإِخوانِ. (تحف العقول ص489)


10. Humbleness is a boon & beneficence which does not get subjected to the jealousy of people. (Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 489)

10- أَلتّواضُعُ نِعمَةٌ لا يُحسَدُ عَلَيها. (تحف العقول ص489)


11. It is against the etiquettes to express happiness before the grieved on. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 321)

11- لَيسَ مِنَ الأَدَبِ إِظهارُ الفَرَحِ عِندَ المَحزُونِ. (بحار الانوار ج78 ص374)


12. The one who praises an undeserving person stays at the abode of the accused person. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 378)

12- مَن مَدَحَ غَيرَ المُستَحِقِّ فَقَد قَامَ مَقامَ المُتَّهمِ. (بحار الانوار ج78 ص378)


13. For you to be considered polite it is sufficient that you refrain from doing what you dislike in others. (The bad deeds & evils). (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 377)

13- کَفاکَ أَدَباً تَجَّنُبکَ ما تَکرَهُ مِن غَيرِکَ. (بحار الانوار ج78 ص377)


14. Indeed, generosity & charity has a quantity so when it exceeds that it becomes squandering. And foresightedness & caution has a limit & when it exceeds that then it is cowardice. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 377)

14- إِنَّ لِلسَّخاءِ مِقداراً،فَإن زادَ عَلَيهِ فَهُوَ سَرَفٌ، وَلِلحَزمِ مِقداراً، فَإن زادَ عَلَيهِ فَهُوَ جُبنٌ. (بحار الانوار ج78 ص377)


15. Observing the middle way in economy has a quantity when It exceeds that then it is stinginess. And there Is a limit to bravery & gallantry & when It exceeds that then it is rashness & impetuousness. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 3771)

15- وَلِلإِقتِصادِ مِقداراً فَإن زادَ عَلَيهِ فَهُوَ بُخلٌ،وَ لِلشَّجاعَةِ مِقداراً فَإن زادَ عَلَيهِ فَهُوَ تَهَوُّرٌ. (بحار الانوار ج78 ص377)


16. The person whose disposition is piety & his nature is generosity & his quality is forbearance & tolerance the number of his friends would become great. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 379)

16- مَن کانَ الوَرَعُ سَجِيَّتَهُ، وَالکَرَمُ طَبِيَعتَةُ، وَالحِلمُ خُلتَّهُ کَثُرَ صَدِيقُهُ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص379)


Allah has made the fasting obligatory so that those rich & wealthy taste the touch (agony of) hunger & consequently become kind to the poor. 

17. Allah has made the fasting obligatory so that those rich & wealthy taste the touch (agony of) hunger & consequently become kind to the poor. (Kashf ul-Ghuma, Vol. 2, P 19'.5)

17- فَرَضَ اللهُ تَعالَی الصُّومَ لِيَجِدَ الغَنِیُّ مَسَّ الجُوعِ لِيَحنُو عَلَی الفَقيرِ. (کشف الغمة ج2 ص193)


18. The sustenance which has become guaranteed (by Allah) must not make you so busy that you do not perform the obligatory practices. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 374)

18- لا يَشغَلکَ رِزقٌ مَضمُونٌ عَن عَمَلٍ مَفرُوضٍ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص 374)


19. avoid fame seeking & striving for power, as these two invite man towards annihilation. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 371)

19- إيّاکَ وَالإ ذاعَةَ وَطَلَبَ الرِّياسَةِ قَإنَّهُما يَدعُوانِ إلَی الهَلَکَةِ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص


You are leading short lives & limited durations and death suddenly approaches. Who so ever sows goodness reaps joy & pleasure and the one who sows evil reaps regret. Everybody reaps, what he sows.

20. You are leading short lives & limited durations and death suddenly approaches. Who so ever sows goodness reaps joy & pleasure and the one who sows evil reaps regret. Everybody reaps, what he sows. (Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 489)

20- إِنَّکُم في اَجالٍ مَنقُوصَةٍ وَأَيّامٍ مَعدُودَةٍ ،وَالمَوتُ يَأتي بَغتَةً، مَن يَزرَع خَيراً يَحصِد غِبطَةً،وَمَن يَزرَع شَرّاً يَحصِد نَدامَةً لِکُلِّ زارعٍ ما زَرَعَ. (تحف العقول ص489)


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