Sermon 82 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the world and its people

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Sermon 82 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the world and its people

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In what way shall I describe this world whose beginning is grief and whose end is destruction? The lawful actions performed here have to be accounted for, while for the forbidden ones there is punishment. Whoever is rich here faces mischief and whoever is poor gets grief. One who hankers after it does not get it. If one keeps away from it then it advances towards him. If one sees through it, it would bestow him sight, but if one has his eye on it then it would blind him.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 82
(1) Al-Mubarrad, al-Kamil, I, 88;
(2) al-Qali, al-'Amali, II, 117;
(3) Ibn Durayd, al-Mujtana, 31;
(4) al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 138;
(5) Ibn ‘Abd Rabbih, al-’Iqd, III, 172;
(6) al-Murtada, al-'Amali, 153;
(7) Sibt ibn al-Jawzi, Tadhkirah, 136;
(8) al-Tabarsi, Mishkat, 243;
(9) al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 86;
(10) al-Karajiki, Kanz, 160.

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