Join Us For a Simple Meal (story)

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Join Us For a Simple Meal (story)

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Our 2nd Imam, Imam Hasan (A) was always very kind to the poor. One day, the Imam (A) was walking down the road when he came across some poor people sitting on the ground eating a meal of pieces of dry bread. When the people saw the Imam (A), they asked him to join them. Imam (A) sat down on the ground and ate the dry bread with them. He said,

"Allah does not keep close those people who are proud."

When they had finished, the Imam (A) got up to leave. Before he went, he thanked them for sharing their food. Then he said, "I accepted your invitation, now please accept mine." They agreed and accompanied the Imam (A) back to his house. When they arrived at his house they were treated very well. They were given fine food as well as some clothing by the Imam (A).1


We ;earn from the Imam that: 
Do not be too proud to sit with the poor Muslims.
Never refuse the invitation of a Muslim to eat with him.
Always try to give people more than they givee you. 

A hadith from the Imam

Imam Hassan has said:

Do not delay in doing a good deed and do not boast about it afterwards. 2

1. Reference: Manaqib lbn Shahr Aashub, Vol 4, pg 23
2. Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.113. 

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