The Three Questions (story)

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The Three Questions (story)

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One day a Bedouin Arab came to our 3rd Imam. Imam Husain (A). He said to the Imam (A), "I have a debt that I cannot repay. I came to you for help because I have heard of your nobility and generosity." The Imam (A) said to him, "I will ask you three questions, if you answer the first one: I will give you a third of your debt. If you answer the second, I will give you another third. If you answer all three questions correctly, I will give you all the money you need to repay your debt."

The Bedouin was worried at this. He said, "O Master! You are so knowledgeable and I am so ignorant in front of you!" The Imam (A) replied, "I have heard from my grandfather (S), that kindness must be done to a person according to his understanding of religion and duties to Allah." The Bedouin said, "Ask me, I will tell you what I know. If I do not have the 'answer, I will learn from you and remember the answer for the future."

The Imam (A) asked him, "Of all the good acts, which is the best?" The man replied, "To have faith (Iman) in Allah and believe in His Oneness." Then, Imam (A) asked, "What saves man from calamity?" The man replied, "Reliance on Allah and Trust in Him." Then, Imam (A) asked, "What gives man honour?" The man replied,' "Knowledge which is accompanied by Forgiveness (of the mistakes of others)." The Imam (A) asked, "If he does not have knowledge, then? The man said, 'Wealth accompanied by Generosity." The Imam (A) said, "What if he does not have wealth either?" The man said, "Poverty accompanied by Patience." The Imam (A) then asked, "What if this is not possible either?"
The Bedouin exclaimed, "Then let lightning come down from the sky and bum him up, for he deserves only that!" When he heard this, the Imam (A) smiled and gave the man more than enough money to pay his debt and he gave him his ring as well. 1

The Imam (A) asked him, "Of all the good acts, which is the best?" The man replied, "To have faith (Iman) in Allah and believe in His Oneness." Then, Imam (A) asked, "What saves man from calamity?" The man replied, "Reliance on Allah and Trust in Him." Then, Imam (A) asked, "What gives man honour?" The man replied,' "Knowledge which is accompanied by Forgiveness (of the mistakes of others)." The Imam (A) asked, "If he does not have knowledge, then? The man said, 'Wealth accompanied by Generosity." The Imam (A) said, "What if he does not have wealth either?" The man said, "Poverty accompanied by Patience."

A hadith from Imam Hussain

One who helps a Muslim in this world, will be helped by Allah on the day of Judgment. 2

1. Majlisii, Biharul Anwar, Chapter on the Virtues of Imam Husain (A)
2. Bihar al-Anwar v.78, p.121.



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