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Individual Ethics » Vices » Secularism » The Veil Of The Heart
الإمام الكاظم (عليه السَّلام):
أوحَى اللّهُ تعالى إلى داودَ عليه السلام: يا داودُ، حَذِّرْ وأنذِرْ (ونَذِّرْ) أصحابَكَ عن حُبِّ الشَّهَواتِ، فإنّ المُعَلَّقةَ قُلوبُهُم بِشَهَواتِ الدنيا قُلوبُهُم مَحجوبَةٌ عَنِّي.

Allah Almighty revealed unto David (AS), O David, warn and caution your companions against the love of desires, for those whose hearts are attached to worldly desires, their hearts are veiled from Me.
Source: Tuḥaf al-‘Uqūl No397
ID: 1472

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Imam al-Kazim (as)

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Tuḥaf al-‘Uqūl
Al-Ḥasan b. ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn b. Shuʿba al-Ḥarrānī (Arabic: الحسن بن علی بن الحسین بن شعبه الحرَّانی) is a Shi'i hadith compiler. His major work on hadith is Tuhaf al-'uqul. There are two works attributed to al-Harrani; al-Tamhis and Tuhaf al-'uqul fi ma ja' min al-hikam wa l-mawa'iz min Al al-Rasul.

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