Imam Zaamin (guarantor) (story)

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Imam Zaamin (guarantor) (story)

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Our 8th Imam, Imam Ali al-Ridha (A) is also known as Imam Zaamin (A). Zaamin is a word that means to provide safety. Sometimes, when we travel, our parents take some money and put it in a cloth and tie it to our upper arm. We call this " Zaamin" This custom first began at the time of the Imam (A) when the king Ma'mun made some coins with the Imam's (A) name on them. The Shi'a, who loved the Imam (A) very much, would keep these coins with them when they went on a journey or when they became ill. They believed that by the blessing of the name of the Imam (A), they would return home safely or get better quickly. Even after the coins no longer had the Imam's (A) name, the Shi'a of later times continued with this practice and would give the money away in charity in the name of the Imam (A).

The Imam (A), like other Imams (A) sometimes displayed his ability to talk in many languages. When foreigners came to him, he spoke to them in their own language fluently and easily. They would be very impressed and many times, they would become the followers of the Imam (A), because they realised he had special gifts from Allah. The Imam (A) could also understand the speech of the animals, just like Prophet Sulayman (A). One day when the Imam (A) was out walking, he came across a hunter who was about to kill a deer. The deer was trying to get away and when she saw the Imam (A), she said something to him. The Imam (A) asked the hunter to free the deer so that she could go and feed her little baby deer who were very hungry. The Imam (A) also told the hunter that once the deer had fed her babies she would come back. The hunter allowed the deer to go because the Imam (A) had told him to, but he did not think she would come back.
The Imam (A) waited with the hunter until the deer returned from her young ones. The hunter was so surprised, he let her go free! 1

A hadith from the Imam 

Had Allah not frightened people by paradise & hell even then it would have been obligatory for them to obey Him & not commit His disobedience because of His favors & kindnesses upon them. And His granting them the beneficence’s to start with, without any of their rights. 2

1. Majlisi, Biharul Anwar, Chapter on the Virtues of Imam al-Ridha (A)
2. Bihar ul-Anwar Vol.71, p.174
لَو لَم يَخُوِّفِ اللهُ النّاسَ بِجَنَّةٍ وَنارٍ لَکانَ الواجِبُ عَلَيهِم اَن يُطِيعُوهُ وَلا يَعصُوهُ لِتَفضُّلِهِ عَلَيهِم وَاِحسانِهِ اِلَيهِم، وَما بَدَأهُم بِهِ مِن انعامِهِ الذي ما استَحَقُّوهُ.

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