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Individual Ethics » Virtues » Intellect » The Criteria for Evaluating One's Intellect
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
سِتَّةٌ تُختَبَرُ بِها عُقولُ النَّاسِ: الحِلمُ عِندَ الغَضَبِ، و الصَّبرُ عِندَ الرَّهَبِ، و القَصدُ عِندَ الرَّغَبِ، و تَقوى اللّهِ في كُلِّ حالٍ، و حُسنُ المُداراةِ، و قِلَّةُ المُماراةِ.

There are six things by which peoples intellects may be tested: clemency at the time of anger, patience at the time of fear, moderation when faced with a desire, God-wariness at all times, amicableness, and minimal engagement in disputation.
Source: Ghurar al-Ḥikam No5608
ID: 1978

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Imam Ali (as)

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Ghurar al-Ḥikam
The author of this book is Nasih al-Din Abu l-Fath 'Abd al-Wahid b. Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahid Tamimi al-Amidi (d. 510/1116-7)[1]. Very little is known about his life apart from that he was a judge from Amid (now Diyarbakır, Turkey).[2] He has written another book called Jawahir al-kalam fi al-hukm wa al-ahkam min qissat sayyid al-anam.
Dar al-Katb al-Islamiya

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