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Ética social » Familia » Relaciones familiares » Lazos consanguíneos » Mantenimiento de las relaciones con la familia
الإمام الهادي (عليه السَّلام ):
لَمّا كَلَّمَ اللّهُ عزّوجلّ موسى ابنَ عِمرانَ عليه السلام قالَ موسى: إلهي ... ما جَزاءُ مَن وَصَلَ رَحِمَهُ؟ قالَ: يا موسى، أنسَأُ لَهُ أجَلَهُ، و اُهَوِّنُ علَيهِ سَكَراتِ المَوتِ.

Cuando Dios permitió que [el Profeta] Moisés hijo de Imran (P) conversara con Él, Moisés (P) preguntó: “Dios mío, ¿cuál es la recompensa de alguien que mantiene las relaciones con su familia?” Él respondió: “Oh, Moisés, retrasé el momento señalado de su muerte y alivié los dolores y agonías de la muerte para él”.
Fuente: Sheīj Ṣadūq Том Al-ʾAmālī Página
ID: 879

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Imam al-Hadi (P)

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Sheikh Ṣadūq, al-Amālī
Main article: al-Shaykh al-Saduq Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husayn b. Musa b. Babawayh al-Qummi known as al-Shaykh al-Saduq was among the greatest Shi'a scholars of the 4th/10th century. Exact date of his birth is not known; however, it must have been after 305/917-8. His grave is in Rey. He has been considered the greatest scholar of Qom in hadith and jurisprudence and more than 300 scholarly works have been attributed to him, most of which are not available now. Man la yahduruh al-faqih which is among the Shia's Four Books is one of his works. His other important works are Ma'ani al-akhbar, 'Uyun akhbar al-Rida, al-Khisal, 'Ilal al-shara'i', and Sifat al-Shi'a. Some of his most famous students were al-Sharif al-Murtada, al-Shaykh al-Mufid, and al-Talla'ukbari.

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