
Reflections on the Islamic Teachings
Man, according to his divine nature, inclines towards the truth, provided that his bias and carnal inclinations do not prevent him from seeing the truth. Islam Plus, in the section of Articles, strives to provide contents in a variety of subjects related to Islam for those who are willing to adopt and tread the right path.
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Imamate (Leadership) in Shi‘i Islam

Imamate (Divinely Appointed Leadership) is a very high position, and it is only Allah who can decide who is qualified for it. And if the Prophet Muhammad (S) announced to the people that the Twelve Imams are the leaders, or that the Ahlul Bayt are the people that we must refer to, or in that Imam Ali is his successor, it was only because he was asked...

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Referring to the holy Quran and the tradition of the holy Prophet Muhammad (P) we find out that not only I...
Islam & Religions » About Islam
Tired and exhausted with the waterskin on her back, she was gasping and going towards her house where some...
Qur’an & Ahl al-Bayt » Stories and Narratives
we know that God is Knowing, Powerful, Living, Hearing, Seeing, and so on. These attributes are distinguis...
Beliefs & Creeds » God & His Attributes
A sensible and well-balanced family system is the very foundation of a happy life. Indeed, it is the root ...
Lifestyle » Islamic Family