Gambling as Viewed by Islam

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Gambling as Viewed by Islam

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While permitting a variety of games and sports, Islam prohibits any game which involves betting which has an element of gambling in it. But why do people become interested in such games of chance (gambling addiction), be it cards, billiard ball or chess at casinos and gambling dens? A number of reasons could be put forward for this.

A mentally active young man happens to look for a time-pass, away from his usual home or office environment, and, he is misled to believe that a casino or a billiard club is the best place for this. Or it is possible that he is tempted by a friend for his company to play a game. But more than that, it is the greed and temptation of an easy and quick chance of making money by gambling. Again he is misled to believe that he is lagging behind whilst his friend and relatives get millions of easy money in the gambling dens.

A gambler often spends hours at the gambling dens at the expense of his valuable time which should be dedicated to his moral and religious duties towards his Allah and family as well as lawful enjoyments. Should he lose in one game of chance, he is tempted to play again and again till he recovers his loss. Should he win and make some money, he is again tempted to play in order to double and treble his day's easy earning from the game of chance.

A gambler often spends hours at the gambling dens at the expense of his valuable time which should be dedicated to his moral and religious duties towards his Allah and family as well as lawful enjoyments. Should he lose in one game of chance, he is tempted to play again and again till he recovers his loss. Should he win and make some money, he is again tempted to play in order to double and treble his day's easy earning from the game of chance.

Thus, the mind of a gambler becomes corrupt and his aim of life revolves around money. His goal of life ultimately is to get money, more and more. His mind is so much distracted that he is no more able to concentrate in his normal job or studies. In the temptation of making more or easy money, his heart is all the time drawn and attached to the gambling table. And when the tide turns against him and he incurs losses after losses in the gambling business, the time comes when he is obliged to dispose off his personal belongings to pay off the debts. The family life at home becomes disrupted as a result and he is then detested and looked down upon by the society and his own family members.

Islam which has come as a total code of life for man has condemned and forbidden every game of chance. The following verses of the Noble Qur'an are a good guidance.

“They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications that you may ponder" (2:219)

The word Ithm as used in the Noble Qur'an is interpreted as that sinful condition in the human intellect and soul whereby he is distracted and kept away from reaching acts of goodness and perfection. Therefore, what it means is that drinks and gambling - two of the major sins in Islam - are the source of great harm to human body and soul.

"The Satan only desires to cause enmity and hatred to spring in your midst by means of intoxicants and games of chance, and to keep you off from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you then desist?" (5:91)

It is quite evident from the above verses of the Noble Qur'an that the enmity and hatred in addition to distraction from the remembrance of Allah and prayers results from gambling and drinking.

Thus, the mind of a gambler becomes corrupt and his aim of life revolves around money. His goal of life ultimately is to get money, more and more. His mind is so much distracted that he is no more able to concentrate in his normal job or studies. In the temptation of making more or easy money, his heart is all the time drawn and attached to the gambling table. And when the tide turns against him and he incurs losses after losses in the gambling business, the time comes when he is obliged to dispose off his personal belongings to pay off the debts. The family life at home becomes disrupted as a result and he is then detested and looked down upon by the society and his own family members.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his progeny have strongly condemned the game of chance. Imam Raza (AS) has said:

"Allah has described gambling as a filthy and impure act of Satan and has warned people to keep away from it."

Can a wise man and a true Muslim ever think of going near to satanic games of chance and take the risk of ruining his life? Certainly not!

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