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الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
العَفوُ يُفسِدُ مِنَ اللَّئيمِ بِقَدرِإصلاحِهِ مِنَ الكَريمِ.

معافی جس قدر محترم شخص کی اصلاح کرتی ہے اتنا ہی پست آدمی کو برباد کریتی ہے۔
اصلی الفاظ:
ماخذ: ارشاد القلوب جلد1 صفحہ289 کنزالفوائد جلد2 صفحہ182
ID: 1274

1635 0 شیئر

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امام علی (علیہ السلام)

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Irshād al-Qulūb
Hasan b. Abi l-Hasan b. Muhammad al-Daylami, a scholar of 8th century AH, was among the chiefs of Twelver Shia who was knowledgeable in different sciences, especially in jurisprudence, hadith and 'Irfan. Ibn Fahd al-Hilli and al-Allama al-Majlisi narrated hadith from him in their books. His most famous works have been Irshad al-qulub, A'lam al-din and Ghurar al-akhbar wa durar al-athar.
Al-Sharif al-Razi

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Kanz al-favaed
Abul Fatah, Muhammad bin Ali Karajki Tripoli (died 449 AH), jurist, usuli, mathematician, astronomer, writer and knowledgeable in the sciences of hadith, philosophy, theology, syntax, ethics, history, men, interpretation and medicine, and one of the most brilliant scientific figures of the first half It is the fifth century of Hijri and contemporary with Sheikh Tusi. He is considered one of the late thinkers of the Baghdad school. Sheikh Har Aamili says about him: "Sheikh Abul-Fath Karajki is a distinguished scholar and theologian, a jurist, and a trustworthy muhaddith."

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