26) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Neighbours and Friends

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26) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Neighbours and Friends

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1- O God, bless Muhammad and his Household and attend to me with Thy best attending in my neighbours and friends who recognize our right1 and war against our enemies!

2- Give [my neighbours and friends] success in performing Thy prescriptions and taking on the beauties of Thy courtesy through acting gently with their weak, remedying their lacks, visiting their sick, guiding their seeker of right guidance, giving good counsel to their seeker of advice, attending to the one among them who returns from travel, hiding their secrets, covering over their shameful things, helping their wronged, sharing kindly with them in goods, turning toward them with wealth and bestowal of bounty, and giving what is due to them before they ask!

Let me, O God, repay their evildoer with good-doing, turn away from their wrongdoer with forbearance. have a good opinion of every one of them, attend to all of them with devotion, lower my eyes before them in continence, make mild my side toward them in humility, be tender toward the afflicted among them in mercy, make them happy in absence through affection, love that they continue to receive favour through good will, grant them what I grant my next of kin, and observe for them what I observe for my special friends!

3- Let me, O God, repay their evildoer with good-doing, turn away from their wrongdoer with forbearance. have a good opinion of every one of them, attend to all of them with devotion, lower my eyes before them in continence, make mild my side toward them in humility, be tender toward the afflicted among them in mercy, make them happy in absence through affection, love that they continue to receive favour through good will, grant them what I grant my next of kin, and observe for them what I observe for my special friends!

4- O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, provide me the like of that from them, appoint for me the fullest share of what is with them, increase them in insight toward my right and knowledge of my excellence so that they will be fortunate through me and I fortunate through them! Amen, Lord of the worlds!

1. That is, those who recognize the Imamate of Zayn al-'Abidin and the other Imams. Cf. 47.64.

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