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The existing system of the world is the most wise and judicious system. It is not only based on knowledge, consciousness and will but is also the healthiest and the best possible system. No better system is possible. The existing world is the most perfect because everything and every phenomenon has its particular befitting place. All existing things stand in an inexorable relation of precedence and posteriority and cause and effect to each other. No existing thing can move from its appointed position, nor can it occupy the place of something else. Existing things have varied grades of existence, and vastly differ from each other from the point of view of defectiveness and perfection and strength and weakness. This variation is an inherent part of the grading of existence.
The best system requires the existence of the relation of precedence and posteriority among existents. The disparity is not created but it is part and parcel of the creatures. God, the Exalted, creates them based on existential capacity and merit because every created being could have accepted only that position in which it has been created.

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2665 2  share 0

Allah is a transcendental entity and possesses all excellences. At the same time, creation is a means of grace and Allah is graceful. His unlimited grace calls for him to create whatever has the potential to be created. Therefore, Allah created because he was graceful, meaning that the reason behind creation lies in his grace and mercy. Moreover, knowing that Allah’s attributes of essence are in oneness with his entity, one can say that the reason behind creation is Allah himself. 
Allah created man with two inner calls to good and bad, as well as two outside callers to good and bad, the prophets and Satan, resulting in the potential to reach the highest levels of perfection and also declining to the lowest levels of human value. If man, despite his carnal and satanic desires, takes the path of truth and perfection, then he will be greater than the angels, because they do not have carnal and satanic desires.  And if he chooses the path of evil, he will be worse than animals, because they do not have a spiritual aspect like humans do. 
If Allah created man with all excellences he could possibly possess, this perfection had not been reached through his free will (making the creation of man in vain). Therefore, the purpose behind man’s creation is only met when he is created with the potential of perfection and when he reaches it through his free will. However, the fact that unbelievers and sinners do not fulfill the true purpose behind creation does not contradict Allah’s reason for creation, because Allah wanted them to have the chance to choose the right or wrong path and reach perfection if they chose to.  If Allah made it impossible for man to take the path of evil, then choosing the path of perfection and development would not be through free will either, (and this would contradict the wisdom behind creation). 

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2577 0  share 0

a) His ability to create called for Him to create.
b) The order of creation is one based on aim and wisdom.
c) The ultimate goal and aim of creating all things, is the emergence of man; the reason being that everything has been created for his purpose and he is the most noble of all creatures, as his creator is the most noble of all creators.
d) Since God (swt) is the Transcendent and All-Sufficient, being of no need to anything or anyone whatsoever, the purpose of creation, regardless of what it is, is surely only to the benefit of man himself.
e) The main purpose of creating man, is for him to reach the climax of perfection, true prosperity and salvation, and to find way to the realm of Malakut; all of which can only be accomplished through acquaintance, knowledge, servitude and worship that comes from awareness towards the Lord.

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2581 0  share 0

According to a reliable narrative quoted on the authority of Imam Mohammad al-Baqer (a.s.) reported by Shaykh Saduq (a.r.) in his “Elal ash-Sharaye” (vol. 1, section 96) before Allah created human beings, there lived Jinn and Nasnaas (creatures resembling human beings) for 7000 years in a disgraceful manner which made the angels make the above-mentioned remarks. Sayyed Mohammed Musawi

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1912 0  share 0

Allah mentions in the Holy Qur’an that the purpose behind creation of human-beings was that they receive His infinite Mercies and Bounties. Man’s creation does not benefit Allah Ta’ala in the least bit. He is Absolutely Needless. Asking for a choice brings to mind the case of children who are unsuccessful at their studies and wish to run away. The child is not in a position to choose what is good for him. Allah, the Majestic and Mighty, did give each soul the choice of life and of submission. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an:

“And when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the children of Adam their seed, and made them bear testimony about their souls” (He asked): “Am I not your Lord?” They said: “Yes, we bear witness”.

Due to the barriers of short-sightedness, man does not see beyond the materialistic life. Those who speak in this fashion should be grabbed by the neck to see whether they are really fed up of life. Those who believe in the Unseen, Here-after world face life’s vicissitudes with patience and prayers. They do not despair and pose imprudent questions to their Creator, Glory be His name. Sayyed Mohammed Musawi


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1967 0  share 0

It can't be denied that human has authority over doing or giving up an act according to the power which God has bestowed on him. On one hand his act is related to God because He has bestowed the power on him for doing or giving it up and if Allah wills He can stop him from doing whatever it is he intends to do, and on the other hand it is related to him because he can choose between doing and giving it up. Therefore it has been narrated from the Household of the Prophet (s.a.w.) that: "It is neither compulsion nor authority but it is a matter between them." (1)

1. The aspect of Shi’ah’s creed, p.69

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1921 0  share 0

Like the other creations. Man and angels are also the creatures of Allah. The only difference is that Man has some extraordinary capabilities, which the angels do not have. In addition to this the angels are created in such a way that they are free from selfish desires. Apart from this the animals do not have reasoning capacity, they only possess animal desires but both these abilities are present in Man.
Because Man has these two opposite qualities his responsibility is also serious and dangerous. Therefore if Man follows the intellect and if he recognizes Allah and becomes faithful and suppresses his wrongful desires he can become better than angels. If he follows his base desires and stays aloof from the guidance of intellect and also dissociates from truth, goodness and faith he becomes worse than animals.

Because Man has these two opposite qualities his responsibility is also serious and dangerous. Therefore if Man follows the intellect and if he recognizes Allah and becomes faithful and suppresses his wrongful desires he can become better than angels. If he follows his base desires and stays aloof from the guidance of intellect and also dissociates from truth, goodness and faith he becomes worse than animals.


This is the reason that we read in the Quran that when the Almighty Allah created Adam (‘a). He commanded all the angels to prostrate before him and ordered Adam (‘a) to tell the angels what he knew and in other words Allah made Adam (‘a) the teacher of the angels.

Ref: Ayt. Makarim Shirazi and Ayt. Ja'far Subhani., Religious questions answered: Logic for Islamic rules, Published by: Ansariyan Publications  Qum, The Islamic Republic of Iran

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469 0  share 0

If what you mean is, to be born again in this world, it will suffice to say, that it is possible only by a miraculous power as has been done before; for example, Jesus (a.s) who gave life to the dead, and is confirmed in the Qur’an. But if you mean reincarnation (holul) and the transmigration of souls (tanasukh) - whereby the soul of a dead person comes to life in another body and enters the world - then Islamically and in actuality, this is a null-and-void theory.


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471 0  share 0

The Quran has explained the creation of man and his origin using different words and phrases. Some verses say that the initial material man comes from is clay.  Other verses say it is water, while a third group say it is sperm.  Meanwhile a fourth group says it was both clay and sperm together. This signifies that the creation of man consisted of various steps.
Nevertheless, what can be deduced from all of these verses is that man was dirt in the beginning [1], then the dirt was mixed with water making it clay [2], then the clay became foul-smelling [3], after that it became sticky [4], then turned into dry clay [5] and finally life was breathed into it.
Meanwhile, scientists have two theories regarding the creation of creatures, both plants and animals:
a) The theory of evolution or transformism b) Fixism
The theory of evolution says that all forms of organisms weren’t created from the start, but certain organisms gradually evolved into ones we see today. The most complete and developed form of those early organisms is man.  This theory is referred to as “Transformism”. As for the other theory referred to as “Fixism”, it says that all forms of life and organisms were created separately, denying any link and development between various forms.
Although the Quran doesn’t explain the creation of man in detail, not saying anything about the two theories mentioned above, yet what some verses slightly suggest is that the Quran’s standpoint regarding this issue is that different forms of animals and plants (especially man) were created separately, although no verse directly mentions such a matter.

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462 0  share 0

Adopting caves as homes by the descendants of Prophet Adam (pbuh) is something the Quran confirms.  Yet, since there is substantial evidence that there have also been people before him and we are sure there have been ancient people who have lived in caves, it is up to different clues, their remains and the drawings and writings they have left behind to exactly determine in what era they lived in.
What is for sure is that Prophet Adam’s (pbuh) time doesn’t belong to a very long time back.


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Daily Hadith
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):لا يكونُ أخوكَ أقوى مِنكَ على مَودّتِهِ.
Do not let your brother be stronger than you are in your amity for him.