How could we have a peaceful multicultural world?

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How could we have a peaceful multicultural world?

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Since we have a world of different nations, cultures and religions. No culture must dominate the others through weakening and trivializing other nations’ cultures and religions, rather, this multicultural world must be accepted and respected by all the nations. But the important question is that how can we achieve this goal and how the governments could help to have a peaceful world where, no longer, violence and terror could exist.
In the second letter of the supreme leader of Iran to the European youths it is mentioned that “the imposition of western culture upon other people and the trivialization of independent cultures is a form of silent violence and extreme harmfulness.” [1] In this part of his letter the leader expressed one of the exact reasons of the increasing terror and violence, now a days, in the world.

Conclusively, as the supreme leader rightly mentions no power in the world should try to use its advanced tools against other countries insisting on the cloning and replication of its culture on a global scale. Because it will absolutely lead to another kind of violence and instability in the world.

According to Ayatollah Khamenei the wrong policies of the western powers towards Muslims as well as other nations caused this challenging situation in the world. He wrote that “Until double-standards dominate western policies, until terrorism- in the view of its powerful supporters- is divided into “good” and “bad” types, and until governmental interests are given precedence over human values and ethics, the roots of violence should not be searched for in other places.” [2]
There is no doubt that all the European countries like some if the Islamic countries are badly suffering from violence and terror therefor all the Muslims and European people must do their best to find out some practical and effective solutions to the very problem. According to the leader the best solution to this challenge is that all of the governments must observe the human values and should not violate the ethical principles, further, the governmental interests must not be given precedence over the moral rules and principles. It shows that todays’ policies of the western powers are distant from the ethic and morality, that is why, they divide terrorist and anti-morality groups into good terrorists and bad terrorists.

According to the Ayatollah Khamenei the wrong policies of the western powers towards Muslims as well as other nations caused this challenging situation in the world. He wrote that “Until double-standards dominate western policies, until terrorism- in the view of its powerful supporters- is divided into “good” and “bad” types, and until governmental interests are given precedence over human values and ethics, the roots of violence should not be searched for in other places.” [2]

From the mentioned points it could be easily understood that we must return to the ethics and morality in order to have a better and peaceful world. By observing the moral rules we respect each other especially our different religions and cultures. From the hardships that we have faced in the recent decades all of us must learn this important lesson that “many people of the world take pride in their local and national cultures, cultures which through development and regeneration have soundly nurtured human societies for centuries.” [3]
Conclusively, as the supreme leader rightly mentions no power in the world should try to use its advanced tools against other countries insisting on the cloning and replication of its culture on a global scale. Because it will absolutely lead to another kind of violence and instability in the world.

[1] Source:
[2] ibid.
[3] ibid.

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