Fascinating discourses from Imam Hussain (as)

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Fascinating discourses from Imam Hussain (as)

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The Fifth Infallible: Imam Hussain (as)

Name: Hussain
Renowned title: Syed u shuhada (The chief of martyrs)
Subtitle: Aba Abdullah
Father and mother: Imam Ali (as) and Fatima (sa)
Time and Place of birth: 3rd of Shaban 4th Hijrah in Medina
Time and Place of Martydom: Ashura 10th of Moharram ul Haram year 61 Hijrah in Karbala at the age of 57.
Holy Shrine: in Karbala.
Duration of life: four parts
1. The age of prophet of Allah (S) Nearly 6 years.
2. At the Service of his father (approx. 30 years).
3. Along with his brother Imam Hassan (10 years)
4. Period of Imamate 10 years.

Twenty Traditions from Imam Hussain (AS)

1. (Oh Allah) How could an argument be given about your Existence by a thing whose total & complete existence is in need of you? Is it that the manifestation of other than you is such that the like (manifestation) is not present in you, so that the one other than you becomes a clear evidence (expression) of your presence? When did you ever disappear so that you might need an evidence &logic to lead (the people) towards you? And when did you ever become away & take distance so that your signs & effects make the people get in touch with you? Blind be the eye which does not see you (Whereas) you are observing him. (Prayer of Arafaa day i.e 9th of Zilhaaj). (Bihar ul-AnwarVol. 98, P 226)
1- کَيفَ يُستَدَلُّ عَلَيکَ بِما هُوَ في وُجوُدِهِ مُفتَقِرٌ إِلَيکَ؟ أَيَکُونُ لِغَيرِکَ مِنَ الظُّهُورِ ما لَيسَ لَکَ حَتّی يَکُونَ هُوَ المُظهِرُ لَکَ؟مَتی غِبتَ حَتّی تَحتاجَ إِلی دَليلٍ يَدُلُّ عَلَيکَ؟ وَمتی بَعُدتَ حَتی تَکُونَ الآثارُ هِيَ الَّتی تُوصِل إِلَيکَ ؟عَمِت عَينٌ لا تَراکَ عَلَيها رَقيباً.. (دعاء عرفه، بحارالانوار ج98 ص226)

(Oh Allah) How could an argument be given about your Existence by a thing whose total & complete existence is in need of you? Is it that the manifestation of other than you is such that the like (manifestation) is not present in you, so that the one other than you becomes a clear evidence (expression) of your presence? When did you ever disappear so that you might need an evidence &logic to lead (the people) towards you? And when did you ever become away & take distance so that your signs & effects make the people get in touch with you?


2. (O Allah) The one who lacked & missed you what did he find? And what is it that he lacks, the one who finds you? Certainly, the one who got pleased & inclined toward other than you, came to nothingness (failed). ( Prayer of Arafaa Day, Bihar ul-Anwar, Vol. 98, P 228)
2- ماذا وَجَدَ مَن فَقَدَکَ؟ وما الذی فَقَدَ مَن وَجَدَکَ؟لَقَد خابَ مَن رَضِيَ ذُونَکَ بَدَلاً. (دعاء عرفه، بحارالانوار ج98 ص228)


3. A nation which buys the pleasures of the living beings in exchange for te wrath of the creator does not get salvation.( Maqtal Khawarzami, Vol. 1, P 239)
3- لا أَفلَحَ قَومٌ اشتَرَوا مَرضاةِ المَخلُوقِ بِسَخَطِ الخالِقِ. (مقتل خوارزمی ج1 ص239)


None is in peace on the resurrection day except the one who fears Allah in the world. 

4. None is in peace on the resurrection day except the one who fears Allah in the world. ( Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 449 P 192)
4- لا يَأمَنُ يَوم القِيامَةِ اِلاّ مَن خافَ اللهَ فیِ الدُنيا. (بحارالانوار ج44 ص192)


5. Indeed people are the servants of world & the religion is (like) saliva upon their tongues, they churn it around their tongues as long as their livelihood is provided. And when they are faced with a test, the religious ones are only rare.(Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 245)
5- اِنَّ النّاسَ عَبيدُ الدُّنيا، وَالدّينُ لَعقٌ اَلسِنَتِهِم،يَحُوطُونَهُ مادَرَّت مَعائِشُهُم فِإذا مُحِّصُوا بِالبَلاءِ قَلَّ الدَّيّانُونَ. (تحف العقول ص245)


6. I do not see (consider) death except prosperity and do not consider life along with oppressors & tyrants except affliction & anguish. (Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 245)
6- فَإِنّي لا أرَی المَوتَ إِلآ سَعادَةً وَلا الحياةَ مَعَ الظّالِمينَ إلا بَرَماً. (تحف العقول ص245)


 I have not stood up upon the incentive & provocation of self-conceit & arrogance & not as a chaos creator & oppressor and indeed I have come out (stood up) wishing the rectification of my grandfather Mohammed's (S) ummah. I want to order the good deed & forbid the evil & put into practice the character & morale of my grandfather Muhammad (S) & my father Ali Ibn Abi talib (as).

7. I have not stood up upon the incentive & provocation of self-conceit & arrogance & not as a chaos creator & oppressor and indeed I have come out (stood up) wishing the rectification of my grandfather Mohammed's (S) ummah. I want to order the good deed & forbid the evil & put into practice the character & morale of my grandfather Muhammad (S) & my father Ali Ibn Abi talib (as). (Maqtal Khawarzami, Vol. I, P 188)
7- إِنّی لَم اَخرُج أًشراً وَلا بَطَراً وَلا مُفسداً ولا ظالِماً وَإِنّما خَرجتُ أطلُبُ الإِصلاحَ في أُمَّة جَدّي مُحَمّدٍ صَلی الله عليه وآله وَسلَّم أُريدُ أَن امرَ بِالمَعروفِ وَأَنهی عَن المُنکَرِ وَأَسِيرَ بَسيرَةِ جَدّي مُحَمَّدٍ، وَسيرة أَبي عَلِيّ بنِ أَبي طالِبٍ. (مقتل خوارزمی ج1 ص188)


8. A group worships Allah for the avidity (reward of paradise) this is the worshp of traders & a group worships Allah due to fear (from hell & the torment of Allah) this is the worship of slaves (who obey their masters being afraid of them). And a group worships Allah as thanksgiving, so this is the worship of free men & is the superior most worship. (Tuhaf al-Uqul, P 24)
8- اِنَّ قَوماً عَبَدُوا اللهَ رَغبَةً فَتِلکَ عِبادَةُ التُّجّارِ، وَاِنَّ قَوماً عَبَدُوا اللهَ رَهبَةً فَتِلکَ عِبادَةُ العَبيِد، وَاِنَّ قَوماً عَبدُوا اللهَ شُکراً فَتِلکَ عِبادَةُ الأَحرارِ،وَهِيَ اَفضَلُ العِبادَةِ. (تحف العقول ص246)


9. Take care not to maltreat (commit excess upon) anyone who does not have any helper except Allah. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 118)
9- اِيّاکَ وَظُلمَ مَن لا يَجِدُ عَلَيکَ ناصِراً اِلاَّ اللهَ جَلَّ وعزَّ. (بحار ج78 ص118)


10. Take care, not to do anything for which you have to apologize. Because the faithful does not commit wrong (sin) & concequently, does not apologize & the hypocrite commits sin every day & (then) extends apologies. (Tuhaf al-Uqul, P 248)
10- اِيّاکَ وَما تَعتَذِرُ مِنهُ،فِإنَّ المُؤمِنَ لا يُسِيءُ وَلا يَعتَذِرُ، وَالمُنافِقُ کُلَّ يَومٍ يُسِيءُ وَيَعتَذِرُ. (تحف العقول ص248)


11. Most generous of the people is the one who grants to the person who does not have any expectation from him. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 121)
11- إِنَّ أَجوَدَ النّاسِ: مَن أَعطی مَن لا يَرجُوهُ. (بحار ج78 ص121)


12. One who removes an anguish & sorrow of a faithful, Allah grants him the deliverance from the sorrows & dejections of the world & the hereafter. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 121)
12- مَن نَفَّسَ کُربَةَ مُؤمِن فَرَّجَ اللهُ عَنهُ کُرَبَ آلدُّنيا وَالاخِرَةِ. (بحار ج78 ص121)


Do not say a word about your brother in his absence which you would not like him to say about you during your absence.

13. Do not say a word about your brother in his absence which you would not like him to say about you during your absence. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78. P 127)
13- لا تَقُولَنَّ في أَخِيکَ إِذا تَواری عَنکَ إِلاّ ما تُحِبُّ أَن يَقُولَ فِيکَ إِذا تَوارَيتَ عَنهُ. (بحارالانوار ج78 ص127)


14. A person asked him “what is needlessness (wealth)?' He replied ', the fewer & lesser number of your desires & your satisfaction over what can be sufficient for your life.' ( Maani Al Ikhbar P 401)
14- قِيلَ مَا الغِنی قالَ قِلَّةُ أَمائيکَ وَالرّضا بِما يَکفِيکَ. (معانی الاخبار ص 401)


15. A man came to the chief of martyrs Imam Hussain (A.S) & said " I am a man who commits sin & do not have patience & constraining power against sin & wrongs, so admonish me with a (piece of) admonition.
Thus he (S) said Do five things & commit any sin you may wish. First is that do not eat the sustenance of Allah & do commit any sin you wish. And secondly, get out of the dominion of Allah & do perform any sin you like to & thirdly seek a place where Allah does not see you & commit any sin you please & fourthly when the angel of death come to take your soul, repel him from yourself & do any sin you may please. And fifthly when Malik (the in charge of the Hell) makes you enter the fire do not enter the fire (hell) & do any sin which you may please. (Bihar ul-Anwar Vol. 78, P 126)
15- جاءَ رَجُلٌ إِلی سَيِّدِ الشُّهَداءِ وَقالَ: أنَار رجُلٌ عاصٍ،وَلا أَصِبرُ عَن المَعصِيَةِ فَعِظنی بمَوعِظَةٍ فَقَال عَلَيهِ السَّلامُ:إِفعَل خَمسَةَ أَشياءٍ وَاَذنِب ما شِئتَ، فَأَوَّلُ ذلِکَ لا تَأکُل رِزقَ اللهِ وَاَذنِب ما شِئتَ،وَالثاني اُخرُج مِن وَلايَةِ اللهِ وَأَذنِب ماشِئتَ، وَالثّالِثُ أُطلُب مَوضِعاً لا يَراکَ اللهُ وَأَذنِب ما شِئتَ، وَالرّابِعُ إِذا جاءَکَ مَلَکُ المَوتِ لِيَقبِضَ روحَکَ فَادفَعهُ عَن نَفسِکَ وَأَذنِب ما شِئتَ، أَلخامِس إِذا اَدخَلَکَ مالِک في النّارِ فَلا تَدخُل فيِ النّارِ وَأَذنِب ماشِئتَ. (بحار الانوار ج78 ص126)

...First is that do not eat the sustenance of Allah & do commit any sin you wish. And secondly, get out of the dominion of Allah & do perform any sin you like to & thirdly seek a place where Allah does not see you & commit any sin you please & fourthly when the angel of death comes to take your soul, repel him from yourself & do any sin you may please. And fifthly when Malik (the in charge of the Hell) makes you enter the fire do not enter the fire (hell) & do any sin which you may please.


16. Weeping for the fear of Allah is (causes) salvation from the fire (Hell). (Mustadrak ul-Wasail, Vol. 2, P 294)
16- أَلبُکاءُ مِن خَشيَةِ اللهِ نَجاةٌ مِنَ النّارِ. (مستدرک الوسائل 294/2)


17. 'Oh followers of the Abu Sufian family if you do not have religion & you are not afraid of the resurrection day then be free in your world. (At least behave freely in your worldly affairs.) (Maqtal Khwarzami Vol. 2, P .33)
17- يا شيعَةَ الِ أَبی سُفيان إِن لَم يَکُن لَکُم دينٌ وَکُنتُم لا تَخافُونَ المَعادَ فَکُونُوا أَحراراً في دُنياکُم. (مقتل خوارزمی ج2 ص374)


18. Oh Allah, You know all that took place at our hand (struggle, movement against evils) was neither for the lust of kingship (power) nor to gain wealth but it was for manifesting the signs & symbols of Your religion & to bring about & implement amendment & correction (reform) in Your cities & make the oppressed & afflicted ones out of Your servants feel secure & that Your obligatory & desirable services & commands be put into practice. (Tuhaf al-Uqul, P 2.39)
18- اَللّهُمَّ اِنَّکَ تَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ لَم يَکُن ما کانَ مِنّا تَنافُساً في سُلطانٍ، وَلا التِماساً مِن فُضُولِ الحُطامِ،وَلکِن لِنُرِيَ المَعالِمَ مِن دينِکَ وَنُظهِرَ الإصلاحَ في بِلادِکَ، وَيَأمَنَ المَظلُومُونَ مِن عِبادِکَ،وَيُعمَلَ بِفَرائِضِکَ وَسُنَنِکَ وَاَحکامِکَ... (تحف العقول ص239)


One who wishes to reach a goal & aim through the sin & transgression, the way to that aim would get blocked & sooner he would get into what he feared and avoided. 

19. One who wishes to reach a goal & aim through the sin & transgression, the way to that aim would get blocked & sooner he would get into what he feared and avoided. (Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 248))
19- مَن حاوَلَ اَمراً بِمَعصِيَتهِ اللهِ کانَ اَفوَتَ لِما يَرجُو وَاَسرَعَ لِما يَحذَرُ. (تحف العقول ص248)


20. Allah, firstly mentioned, 'command for good & forbid to do evil' as one of His obligatory services, since, He knew that if these two obligatory are performed & established, all the obligatory services out of easy & hard will get performed & established. Because, 'command for good & forbid to do evil' invites to Islam, along with giving out the right of those having right & opposing of the tyrants & oppressors. (Tuhaf al-Uqul. P 237)
20- فَبَدأَ اللهُ بِالأَمرِ بِالمَعرُوفِ وَالنَّهی عَن المُنکَرِ فَرِيضَةً مِنهُ، لِعِلمِهِ بِاَنَّها اِذا اُدِّيَت وَاُقِيمَت استِقامَتِ الفَرائِضُ کُلهُّا هَيَّنُها وَصَعبُها، وَذلِکَ اَنَّ الأَمرَ بِالمَعرُوفِ وَالنَّهيَ عَنِ المُنکَر دُعاءٌ اِلَی الإسلامِ مَعَ رَدَّ المَظالِمِ وَمُخالَفَةِ الظّالِمِ... (تحف العقول ص237)


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