18) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Perils

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18) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Perils

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1- O God, to Thee belongs praise for Thy excellent accomplishment and for Thy trial which Thou hast turned away from me! But make not my share of Thy mercy the well-being which Thou hast quickly granted to me, lest I become wretched through what I have loved and someone else gain felicity through what I have disliked!1

O God, to Thee belongs praise for Thy excellent accomplishment and for Thy trial which Thou hast turned away from me! But make not my share of Thy mercy the well-being which Thou hast quickly granted to me, lest I become wretched through what I have loved and someone else gain felicity through what I have disliked!

2- If this well-being in which 1 pass the day or night should precede a trial that does not cease and a burden that does not pass away, then set before me what Thou hadst set behind and set behind me what Thou hadst set before!

3- For that which ends in annihilation is not great and that which ends in subsistence is not little. And bless Muhammad and his Household!

1. The terms 'wretchedness' (shiqa') and 'felicity' (sa'ada) refer to heaven and hell, not to the misery or happiness of this world.

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