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The Qur'ān is the fundamental basis for every kind of Islamic concept. The credibility and prestige of other religious foundations rest on it. But, on the basis of the proofs we shall give, one cannot be content with the Qur'ān alone to solve the problems of leadership, the differences which crop up in Islamic society, or to satisfy the needs of the Muslims people...

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The difference between all other miracles and the miracle of the Qur'ān is that the other miracles were for those who witnessed them or they ended with the death of the prophets. For us they are news which may be believed or suspected according to the trend of mind of the hearer. But the Qur'ān is in our hands, a book complete in itself; it claims and brings the proof within itself. And its miracl...

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The destiny of man holds out a bright future. It is true that human life is in large part accompanied by inequality and hardship, but this will not always be the case. Human history is moving towards a better future, one in which a comprehensive system of justice will prevail. According to the Qur'an, the pious will rule over the earth...

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When the holy Quran commands Muslim not to keep the captives rather they can be freed without any sort of ransom, It shows that Islam opposes slavery basically but the problem is that it is impossible to fulfill the new rules once or in one day.

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Renowned Shi‘ah scholars are of the opinion that the Holy Qur’an is free from any kind of tahrif {distortion}, and the version of the Qur’an which is in our hands today is the same as the heavenly book which was revealed to the Holy Prophet (S) and it has been subject to no deletion or addition. In order to clarify this point, let us consider pieces of evidence that follow:...

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The blessings of the Holy Quran are endless. There is dignity, power, progress, material welfare, spiritual transcendence, development of one’s mind and one’s belief, joy and tranquility of one’s soul in and with the Holy Quran. There is tranquility and peace of mind in the Holy Quran.

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In the whole world no book can rival the Holy Quran in its virtues and high status, because it is the summary and extract of the teachings of all divine prophets...

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The Prophet Muhammad (S)
Imam Ali (as)
Lady Faṭima al-Zahra (a)
Imam al-Hasan (as)
Imam al-Hussain (as)
Imam al-Sajjad (as)
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as)
Imam Ja‘far al-Ṣadiq (as)
Imam al-Kazim (as)
Imam al-Reḍa (as)
Imam al-Jawad (as)
Imam al-Hadi (as)
Imam Hasan al-‘Askari (as)
Imam al-Mahdi (as)


Daily Hadith
مَن شَرُفَت هِمَّتُهُ عَظُمَت قِيمَتُهُ.
He whose ambition is lofty his value is heightened.