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رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
خَصلَتانِ ليسَ فَوقَهُما مِنَ البِرِّ شَي ءٌ: الإيمانُ بِاللّه و النَّفعُ لِعبادِ اللّهِ، و خَصلَتانِ لَيسَ فَوقَهُما مِنَ الشَّرِّ شَي ءٌ: الشِّركُ بِاللّهِ و الضُّرُّ لِعِبادِ اللّهِ.
The Prophet Muhammad (S):
There are two virtues unexcelled by anything good: faith in Allah, and being of benefit to Allah's servants. And there are two iniquities unsurpassed by anything evil: associating partners with Allah, and causing harm to Allah's servants.
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