41) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Asking for Covering and Protection

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41) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Asking for Covering and Protection

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1- O God, bless Muhammad and his Household, spread for me the bed of Thy honour, bring me to the wateringholes of Thy mercy, set me down in the midst of Thy Garden, stamp me not with rejection by Thee, deprive me not through disappointment by Thee,

2- settle not accounts with me for what I have committed, make no reckoning with me for what I have earned, display not what I have hidden, expose not what I have covered over, weigh not my works on the scales of fairness, and make not my tidings known to the eyes of the crowd!

Ennoble my degree through Thy good pleasure, perfect my honour through Thy forgiveness, rank me among the companions of the right hand, direct me to the roads of the secure, place me in the throng of the triumphant, and through me let the sessions of the righteous thrive!1 Amen, Lord of the worlds!

3- Conceal from them everything whose unfolding would shame me and roll up before them all which would join me to disgrace with Thee!

4- Ennoble my degree through Thy good pleasure, perfect my honour through Thy forgiveness, rank me among the companions of the right hand, direct me to the roads of the secure, place me in the throng of the triumphant, and through me let the sessions of the righteous thrive!1 Amen, Lord of the worlds!

1. Reference to several Qur'anic names for the people of paradise. The Companions of the Right Hand are mentioned in 56:27, 38, 90, 91, and 74:39; the Secure in 27:89, 34:37, etc.; the Triumphant in 9:20, 23:111, 59:20; the Righteous in 2:130, 12:101, etc.


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37) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Giving Thanks

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