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Fundamental Beliefs » Human and Human » Ahl al-Bayt » Imam al-Sadiq's Munificence
الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
الامام الصادق «ع»- عن هشام بن سالم (محمد) قال: كَانَ أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ «ع»إِذَا أَعْتَمَ وَ ذَهَبَ مِنَ اللَّيْلِ شَطْرُهُ أَخَذَ جِرَاباً فِيهِ خُبْزٌ وَ لَحْمٌ وَ الدَّرَاهِمُ فَحَمَلَهُ عَلَى عُنُقِهِ ثُمَّ ذَهَبَ بِهِ إِلَى أَهْلِ الْحَاجَةِ مِنْ أَهْلِ الْمَدِينَةِ فَقَسَمَهُ فِيهِمْ وَ لَا يَعْرِفُونَهُ فَلَمَّا مَضَى أَبُو عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع فَقَدُوا ذَلِكَ فَعَلِمُوا أَنَّهُ كَانَ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ «ع».

Hisham b. Salim narrated, 'When it was dark and part of the night had passed, Abu Abdillah (Imam al-Sadiq) (AS) would take a sack of bread, meat, and money, and carry it on his back to the needy of Medina. He would distribute it among them without them even recognizing him. When Abu Abdillah (AS) passed away, they missed the aid and realized that it had in fact been Abu Abdillah.'
ID: 29812

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Imam Ja‘far al-Ṣadiq (as)

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