The Reward of Guiding and Teaching Others in the Words of Lady Fatima (as)

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The Reward of Guiding and Teaching Others in the Words of Lady Fatima (as)

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Imam Askari (as) said: "A woman came to Fatima Zahra (sa) and said: 'I have a weak mother who has become confused about a matter related to her prayer; she sent me to inquire from you about it.'

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) answered her; the woman repeatedly came with questions for Fatima az-Zahra (sa), and she (sa) kindly answered her every time. One day the lady approached Fatima az-Zahra (sa) with another question from her mother, and said to Fatima az-Zahra (sa):

'I shall not inconvenience you (any more), daughter of Allah's Messenger.'

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) replied: 'Ask me regarding anything, which comes to your mind. Because if a man had been hired to transport a heavy load to the top of a mountain for a reward of one thousand dinars, do you think it would bother him?'

The woman said: 'No'

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) continued: 'My reward for (answering) every inquiry is more than that which fills (the space) between the ground and the Throne with pearls; thus, I should be more apt to answer your questions. Surely, I heard my father say:

'When the scholars of our Shiite (followers) are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they will be bestowed with garments of honor equal in quantity to their knowledge and struggle to guide Allah's worshippers, up to the point that anyone of them will be gifted with one million garments of light.' Then the caller of our Exalted and Glorified Lord will say:

'O you guardians of the orphans of Muhammad. (You) who inspire them when they are separated from their fathers, who are their Imams; these are your pupils and the orphans whom you guarded and inspired, therefore bestow them with garments of knowledge in life. Thus, they will bestow each orphan with that which corresponds to the amount of knowledge he received from them (the scholars); up to the point that some orphans are bestowed with one million garments. Like-so, the orphans bestow those who learnt from them.' Then Allah, the Exalted will say:

'Repeat upon these scholars, the guardians of the orphans, the bestowment and double and complete it for them and for those who follow them"

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) said: 'My reward for (answering) every inquiry is more than that which fills (the space) between the ground and the Throne with pearls; thus, I should be more apt to answer your questions. Surely, I heard my father say: 'When the scholars of our Shiite (followers) are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they will be bestowed with garments of honor equal in quantity to their knowledge and struggle to guide Allah's worshippers, up to the point that anyone of them will be gifted with one million garments of light.' 

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then added:

'Worshipper of Allah, surely a thread of those garments is better than that on which the sun rises. [1]

1. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 2, p. 3

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