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Altohid mofazal

Mufaddal bin Omar Jaafi Kofi


Mufaddal bin Omar Jaafi Kofi

Discription of This Book

At the beginning, Imam al-Sadiq (a) counts the lack of knowledge about the causes and the ways of creating the universe as reasons of denying or having doubt about God's existence. Then he mentions the creation of the universe, human and body organs, such as digestive system and the five senses. By counting these things, he comes to the conclusion that all of them must be created by a Wise, Knowledgeable, and Powerful God.

In the second session Imam (a) mentions the wonders in creation of animals, such as horses, elephants, giraffes, monkeys, dogs, chickens, bats, bees, grasshoppers, ants, and finish. In the third session Imam (a) mentions the wonders of sky and the earth - such as the color of the sky, the sunrise and the sunset, seasons of the year, the sun, the moon, other celestial bodies and their fast motion - and the creation of the cold and heat, wind, air and how sound is produced in the air, mountains and plants.

General Data

The full information of the hadith is given below

Title of Book
Altohid mofazal
Mufaddal bin Omar Jaafi Kofi
Date of death of the author
Number of volumes


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