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الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
يا مؤمنُ، إنّ هذا العِلْمَ والأدبَ ثَمَنُ نفسِكَ، فاجتَهِدْ في تَعلُّمِهِما، فما يَزيدُ مِن عِلمِكَ وأدبِكَ يَزيدُ في ثَمَنِكَ وقَدْرِكَ.

O Believer! This knowledge and good manners are the value of your soul so strive to learn them, for however much your knowledge and good manners increase, so will your value and worth accordingly.
Source: Mishkāt al-Anwār fī Ghurar al-Akhbār Vol689 P239
ID: 36

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Imam Ali (as)

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Mishkāt al-Anwār fī Ghurar al-Akhbār

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