And those who restrain anger... (story)

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And those who restrain anger... (story)

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Our 2nd Imam, Imam Hasan (A) did not lose his temper easily. Sometimes people would be rude to him, especially the ones who did not know him. To all of these ignorant people the Imam (A) was polite and many times they became ashamed of their rude behaviour. They would change their ways after seeing the perfect manners of the Imam (A). The people of Madina would say that the Imam (A) resembled closely his grandfather, the Prophet (S), in both his looks and his manners. One day during dinner, a maid dropped a hot bowl of soup and some of it splashed onto the Imam (A). She was very scared because she thought that the Imam (A) would be angry and punish her. She immediately recited a verse from the Qur'an:

(Heaven awaits for) thooe who restrain (their) anger.

Imam Hasan (A) smiled and said he was not angry. Then she recited the next part of the verse:

and pardon people (their mistakes)

Imam Hasan (A) and said that he had forgiven her. She then finished the verse:

and Allah loves those who do good. 

Imam Hasan (A) told her she was free. In this beautiful way, lmam·(A) showed that if a person hurts you in error, you should overlook that mistake.1 The above verse is found in the Holy Qur'an in Chapter 3, Ali lmran, verse 134. 2

We learn from the Imam that: 
Allah loves those who control their anger and forgive the mistakes of others and do good.
The holy Qur'an is not just there ro read but to learn from and act upon. it is the word of Allah and teaches us everything we need to know if we only understood it. 

A hadith from the Imam 

Imam Hassan has said:

The annihilation of people lies in three things Arrogance, & greed & jealousy. 

1. al-Tanufi, al-Faraj ba'd al-Shiddah, pg 101
2. Who spend [in the cause of Allah] during ease and hardship and who restrain anger and who pardon the people - and Allah loves the doers of good;
3. Bihar al-Anwar, v.78, p.111. 

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