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الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
لَيسَ شَي ءٌ أدعى إلى تَغييرِ نِعمَةِ اللّهِ و تَعجِيلِ نِقْمَتِهِ مِن إقامَةٍ على ظُلمٍ؛ فإنّ اللّهَ سَميعُ دَعوَةِ المُضطَهَدِينَ (المَظلومِينَ)، و هُو للظالِمينَ بِالمِرصادِ.

Rien ne provoque la disparition des bienfaits d Allah et n accélère Son courroux autant que le fait de commettre une injustice car en vérité, Allah entend l appel des opprimés et Il se tient aux aguets face aux injustes.
La source: Nahdje albalaqah Nombre53
ID: 2365

1818 0 شیئر

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L'Imam Ali(Que salut soit sur lui)

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Nahj al-Balāgha
Abū l-Ḥasan Muḥammad b. al-Ḥusayn al-Mūsawī (Arabic: أبوالحسن محمد بن الحسین الموسوي) (b. 359/969-70 - d. Muharram 6, 406/June 26, 1015) al-Sharīf al-Raḍī (Arabic: الشريف الرضي) was a prominent Shi'a scholar and poet born in Baghdad. Although he is most known for his literary expertise, he was also an expert of jurisprudence and exegesis of the Quran. His most famous work is Nahj al-Balagha, a collection of Imam Ali's (a) sayings and letters. He founded a school named Dar al-'Ilm ( دار العلم, literally "House of knowledge") in which he trained many students, some of whom later became prominent scholars.

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