
التسجیل العربية
رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
إذا أرادَ اللّهُ بأهلِ بَيْتٍ خَيراً فَقّهَهُم في الدِّينِ، وَ وَقَّرَ صَغيرُهُم كبيرَهُم، وَ رزَقَهُمُ الرِّفقَ في مَعيشَتِهِم، وَ القَصْدَ في نَفَقاتِهِم، وَ بَصّرَهُم عُيوبَهُم فيَتُوبوا مِنها، وَ إذا أرادَ بِهم غيرَ ذلكَ تَرَكهُم هَمَلًا.

Lorsqu Allah désire le bien pour une famille, Il l instruit dans la religion, Il fait que les jeunes parmi ses membres honorent et respectent les personnes âgées, Il leur accorde la modération dans leur subsistance, l économie dans leurs dépenses, les rend clairvoyants vis-à-vis de leUrs défauts et ainsi ils s en repentent. En revanche, lorsqu Il souhaite le contraire, Il les abandonne à leur sort.
كلمات مفتاحية:
المصدر: Kaneze alomale fi sonane alaghevale va alafeâle رقم28691 Monetakhabe mizane alhekmah رقم432
ID: 322

4654 2 المشارکة

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Le Noble Prophète (Que le salut de Dieu soit sur lui et sa descendance)

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Mizan al-Hikmah
Mohammad Mohammadi Nik known as Rayshahri (1325-1401) was a Shia cleric, scholar of Hadiths, guardian of Astan Abdulazim Hosni and one of the agents of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Rayshahri was also the representative of the people of Tehran in the Assembly of Experts and the founder and president of the Quran and Hadith University, and the head of Hajj. Mizan al-Hikmah is his most famous work and he wrote many books based on Shia hadiths. Several collections such as Amir al-Mominin's Encyclopedia, Imam Hossein's Encyclopedia, Imam Mahdi's Encyclopedia, and Qur'an and Hadith Encyclopedia were also authored under his supervision. He was the son-in-law of Mirza Ali Meshkini.

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Kanz al-'Ummāl fī Sunan al-Aqwāl wal-Af'āl
Aladdin Ali bin Hussam al-Din bin Abd al-Malik bin Qazi Khan Motaqi Shazli Burhanpuri (855-975 AH), known as an Indian pious, Hanafi jurist, muhaddith, and preacher, is famous for his book Kanz al-Umal Fi Sunin Al-Aqwal and Al-Afal. About the author

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