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الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
احذَرْ أن تُواخيَ مَن أرادَكَ لِطَمعٍ أو خَوفٍ أو مَيْلٍ أو للأكلِ و الشُّرْبِ، و اطلبْ مُواخاةَ الأتقياءِ و لو في ظُلُماتِ الأرضِ، و إنْ أفنيتَ عُمْرَكَ في طلبِهِم

Be warned against having a brother who wants you for greed, out of fear, or because of food and drink. Instead, seek the brotherhood of the pious even if they are in the darkness of the earth and even if you have to spend your life seeking them.
Source: al-Miṣbāḥ al-Sharī'a wa Miftāḥ al-Ḥaqīqa No150 Biḥār al-Anwār Vol74 P282
ID: 101

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Imam Ja‘far al-Ṣadiq (as)

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al-Miṣbāḥ al-Sharī'a wa Miftāḥ al-Ḥaqīqa

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Biḥār al-Anwār
Muḥammad Bāqir b. Muḥammad Taqī b. Maqṣūd ʿAlī al-Majlisī (Arabic: محمد باقر بن محمد تقي بن مقصود علي المجلسي) (b. 1037/1627-8 – d. 1110/1699) known as al-ʿAllāma al-Majlisī (Arabic: العلامة المجلسي) or the Second Majlisī (Arabic: المجلسي الثاني) was among the most famous Shi'a scholars in jurisprudence and hadith.
Dar 'iihya' alturath alearabii‏

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