Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



The Movement of Tawwabeen

The Movement of Tawwabeen

On the occasion of the bravely revolt and resistance of Tawwabeen (the Penitents...

Eating Habits in Islam (Part 1)

Eating Habits in Islam (Part 1)

The religion of Islam has one of the most comprehensive eating and dietary habit...

What s the criterion for superiority?

What s the criterion for superiority?

No person has superiority or preference over others, except by virtue of a great...

The purpose of divine trials and tests

The purpose of divine trials and tests

The topic of Divine trial is an issue of great debate and discussion. The first ...

Islam is a Religion of Peace and Tolerance

Islam is a Religion of Peace and Tolerance

Referring to the holy Quran and the tradition of the holy Prophet Muhammad (P) w...

Lady Fatima (as) and the Revelation of Sura al-Kauthar

Lady Fatima (as) and the Revelation of Sura al-Kau...

Before the birth of lady Fatima (as), the Prophet had two sons, Qasim and Tahir,...

The Shi'i Contribution to Islamic Civilization

The Shi'i Contribution to Islamic Civilization

The civilization of lslam owes its success to the ceaseless efforts of the Musli...