Tasbeeh of lady Fatima (A) (story)

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Tasbeeh of lady Fatima (A) (story)

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Lady Fatima (A) used to work very hard in her house. She used to grind the wheat into flour using a stone. It would make her hands very sore, but she never complained. Her father, Prophet Muhammad (S) could see how hard she worked. One day he said he was going to give her something that would be a great help to her. He said that this thing would be better than anything else in the world. Do you know what he did? He showed her how to do Tasbeeh. He told her that after every Salaat she should say:

Allahu Akbar (Allah is .Great) 34 times ·
Alhamdulillah (all thanks be to Allah) 33 times
Subhanallah (all glory be to Allah) 33 times

Lady Fatima (A) was delighted with this special present. She always did the Tasbeeh after Salaat and it became known as the Tasbeeh of Lady Fatima (A). The Salaat is like a beautiful flower and the Tasbeeh of Lady Fatima (A) gives that beautiful flower a lovely smell. So after every Salaat we should say the Tasbeeh of lady Fatima (A) because we want our Salaat to be like a beautiful flower with a lovely smell.1

The Salaat is like a beautiful flower and the Tasbeeh of Lady Fatima (A) gives that beautiful flower a lovely smell. So after every Salaat we should say the Tasbeeh of lady Fatima (A) because we want our Salaat to be like a beautiful flower with a lovely smell.

The Prophet (S) has said about lady Fatima (A):

Fatima is the best woman that Allah created of all women in the heavens and the earth. She is the leader of the women of paradise. 2

1. Reference: Da'im al Islam (Vide fatima the Gracious, pg 172)
2. Sahih of Bukhari and Muslim.

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