Sermon 76 of Nahj al-Balagha: May Allah bless whoever listens to a point of wisdom and retains it…

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Sermon 76 of Nahj al-Balagha: May Allah bless whoever listens to a point of wisdom and retains it…

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May Allah bless whoever listens to a point of wisdom and retains it, when he is invited to the right path he approaches it, he follows a leader (by catching his waist band) and finds salvation, keeps Allah before his eyes and fears his sins, performs actions sincerely and acts virtuously, earns treasure of heavenly rewards, avoids vice, aims at (good) objectives and reaps recompense, faces his desires and rejects (fake) hopes, makes endurance the means to his salvation and piety the provision for his death, rides on the path of honour and sticks to the highway of truth, makes good use of his time and hastens towards the end and takes with him the provision of (good) actions.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 76
(1) Al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 151;
(2) al-Karajiki, Kanz, 162;
(3) Ibn Talhah, Matalib, I, 59;
(4) Ibn Shakir, ‘Uyun al-hikam;
(5) al-Zamakhshari, Rabi’, I, 231;
(6) al-Husari, Zahr, I, 42;
(7) al-'Amidi, Ghurar;
(8) Sibt, Tadhkirah, 145.

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