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Fundamental Beliefs » Human and Existence » World » The Misery of This World
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
إنَّ مِن نَكَدِ الدُّنيا أنَّها لا تَبقى عَلى حالَةٍ ، ولا تَخلو مِنِ استِحالَةٍ ، تُصلِحُ جانِبا بِفَسادِ جانِبٍ ، وتَسُرُّ صاحِبا بِمَساءَةِ صاحِبٍ ، فَالكَونُ فيها خَطَرٌ ، وَالثِّقَةُ بِها غَرَرٌ ، وَالإِخلادُ إلَيها مُحالٌ ، وَالاِعتِمادُ عَلَيها ضَلالٌ .

The misery of this world can be seen in the fact that it never stays in one condition and never ceases to change, by amending one side of it, another side becomes corrupted, you make a friend happy by upsetting another; so being in such a place is a danger, staying in it for eternity is out of the question and reliance upon it is a delusion.
Source: Ghurar al-Ḥikam Vol1 P1756
ID: 14843

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Imam Ali (as)

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Ghurar al-Ḥikam
The author of this book is Nasih al-Din Abu l-Fath 'Abd al-Wahid b. Muhammad b. 'Abd al-Wahid Tamimi al-Amidi (d. 510/1116-7)[1]. Very little is known about his life apart from that he was a judge from Amid (now Diyarbakır, Turkey).[2] He has written another book called Jawahir al-kalam fi al-hukm wa al-ahkam min qissat sayyid al-anam.
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