Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



The Prophet of Morality

The Prophet of Morality

One day when the Prophet and his companions were crossing a desert, they decided...

Imam Ali's Advice to Kumayl Ibn Ziyad An-Nakha'i

Imam Ali's Advice to Kumayl Ibn Ziyad An-Nakha'i

Kumayl ibn Ziyad An-Nakha'i 34 has related: Amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him,...

A perfect explanation of the reality of Islam

A perfect explanation of the reality of Islam

Islam is an Arabic word which means submission and surrender. Thus as a religion...

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious Laws?

Is Naskh (Abrogation) Permitted in the Religious L...

In the terminology of the Shari'ah, Naskh means altering one ruling and replacin...

What is the function of faith in the Hereafter in our lives?

What is the function of faith in the Hereafter in ...

faith in the Day of Judgment, a day in which all men will be resurrected and pre...

Event of Mubahalah

Event of Mubahalah

In the south of Arabia, there is a place called Najran. There lived the Christia...

1) In Praise of God

1) In Praise of God

When he (upon him be peace) began to supplicate, he would begin with praise and ...