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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Human Glory; The Story of Feeding in Sura al-Insan

Human Glory; The Story of Feeding in Sura al-Insan

Both Hasan and Husayn were sick. when the Prophet, along with a group of his com...

Necessity of judgment day, as viewed by the holy Quran

Necessity of judgment day, as viewed by the holy Q...

The holy Quran, addressing those who doubt about the resurrection asks: how do t...

The Three Questions (story)

The Three Questions (story)

One day a Bedouin Arab came to our 3rd Imam. Imam Husain (A). He said to the Ima...

Practical ways to avoid arguments

Practical ways to avoid arguments

We all get into arguments from time to time. But how do you deal with those peop...

Is Islam the final religion?

Is Islam the final religion?

The Prophethood of the Prophet of Islam was the Seal (khatam) of Prophethood, ju...

A Brief Biography of the Eleventh Imam; Hassan Ibn Ali al-Askari (as)

A Brief Biography of the Eleventh Imam; Hassan Ibn...

...Imam al-‘Askari pointed at one of the monks and ordered the soldiers to take ...

Manners of Eating and Drinking

Manners of Eating and Drinking

According to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a.s.), man needs to eat that much food which i...