Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Islam and Art

Islam and Art

Islam, as an everlasting and universal religion, does place a high value on art ...

The Legal System of Islam

The Legal System of Islam

The word “shari‘a” literally means “a way.” In Islamic terminology, it means the...

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession pertains to those individuals whose connection with God and religio...

The Oneness of God

The Oneness of God

Our faith in monotheism, the Unity or Oneness of God, is the purest in the world...

Who are the Twelve Imams?

Who are the Twelve Imams?

During his lifetime, the Holy Prophet (S) declared that after him there shall be...

Ghadir in The Holy Qur’an

Ghadir in The Holy Qur’an

One of the most challenging and controversial subjects is the issue of caliphate...