28) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Fleeing to God

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28) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Fleeing to God

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1- O God, I showed sincerity by cutting myself off from everything but Thee.

2- I approached Thee with my whole self.

3- I averted my face from everyone who needs Thy support.

4- I ceased to ask from any who cannot do without Thy bounty.

5- I saw that the needy who seeks from the needy is foolish in his opinion, and misguided in his intellect.

How many people have I seen, my God, who sought exaltation through other than Thee and were abased, who wanted wealth from someone else and became poor, who tried to rise high and fell down low!

6- How many people have I seen, my God, who sought exaltation through other than Thee and were abased, who wanted wealth from someone else and became poor, who tried to rise high and fell down low!

7- Observing the likes of them corrects a prudent man; his taking heed gives him success; his choosing the best guides him to the path of right.

8- So Thou, my Master, art the object of my asking to the exclusion of all those who are asked and the patron of my need to the exclusion of all those from whom requests are made.

9- Thou art singled out for my call before all who are called; none is associated with Thee in my hope, none comes along with Thee in my supplication, nor does any join with Thee within it, for to Thee is my appeal.

So Thou, my Master, art the object of my asking to the exclusion of all those who are asked and the patron of my need to the exclusion of all those from whom requests are made. Thou art singled out for my call before all who are called; none is associated with Thee in my hope, none comes along with Thee in my supplication, nor does any join with Thee within it, for to Thee is my appeal.

10- To Thee, my God, belongs the Unity of number, the property of eternal power, the excellence of force and strength, the degree of sublimity and elevation.

11- Everyone other than Thee is the object of compassion in his lifetime, overcome in his affair, overwhelmed in his situation, diverse in states, constantly changing in attributes.

12- So Thou art high exalted above likenesses and opposites, proudly magnified beyond similitudes and rivals! Glory be to Thee! There is no God but Thou.

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