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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Intercession in the Qur'an and Hadith

Intercession in the Qur'an and Hadith

Belief in the intercession of intercessors on the Day of Resurrection with God's...

Magic, In the Eyes of Islam

Magic, In the Eyes of Islam

There are numerous opinions regarding the meaning of magic and its essence and b...

Imam Ali's Advice to Kumayl Ibn Ziyad An-Nakha'i

Imam Ali's Advice to Kumayl Ibn Ziyad An-Nakha'i

Kumayl ibn Ziyad An-Nakha'i 34 has related: Amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him,...

Do the Shi‘ah believe in the tahrif (distortion) of the Qur’an?

Do the Shi‘ah believe in the tahrif (distortion) o...

Renowned Shi‘ah scholars are of the opinion that the Holy Qur’an is free from an...

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession ( Shafa'ah )

Intercession pertains to those individuals whose connection with God and religio...

The Two Shirts (story)

The Two Shirts (story)

One day our 1st Imam, Imam Ali (A) went to the market with his slave, Qambar. In...

A Brief Biography of Imam Ali (as)

A Brief Biography of Imam Ali (as)

...While returning from the last pilgrimage, the Prophet openly and clearly intr...

Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping him and to polytheism?

Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping hi...

What has prompted this question to be posed is the outward meaning of some of th...