Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Why do Shi'a Muslims regard their Imams as “infallible” {ma‘sum}?

Why do Shi'a Muslims regard their Imams as “infall...

There are numerous proofs which confirm the infallibility {ismah} of the Imams w...

Tasbeeh of lady Fatima (A) (story)

Tasbeeh of lady Fatima (A) (story)

Lady Fatima (A) used to work very hard in her house. She used to grind the wheat...

Status of Woman inside the Family

Status of Woman inside the Family

Do the woman and man represent the origin and branch in the family? Or do they h...

Join Us For a Simple Meal (story)

Join Us For a Simple Meal (story)

Our 2nd Imam, Imam Hasan (A) was always very kind to the poor. One day, the Imam...

A Brief Outline of the Muslim Contributions to Philosophy

A Brief Outline of the Muslim Contributions to Phi...

A comprehensive study of the history of philosophy would make it clear that Musl...

And I'll Get the Firewood... (story)

And I'll Get the Firewood... (story)

Our Prophet, Prophet Muhammad (S) was sent by Allah to be our teacher. He said, ...

Sermon 89 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the Holy Prophet

Sermon 89 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the Holy Proph...

Allah sent the Prophet after the mission of other Prophets had stopped and the p...

Helping the Poor

Helping the Poor

Islam has emphasized helping the poor and warns those who are careless about the...