Islam Plus

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Имам Али (мир ему!):


رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
Великий пророк (да благословит его Аллах и род его!):
будучи спрошен о том, кто самый проницательный из верующих: - тот, кто больше всех поминает смерт...
الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
Имам Джафар Садик (мир ему!) :
Поистине, кто отвечает на все, о чем его спрашивают – сумасшедший.
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
Имам Али (мир ему!):
Радость – основа возникающей любви.


A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

A Brief Biography of Prophet Muhammad (s)

...his time was divided into three parts: one spent for God, in worshipping and ...

Morality and Ethics in Islam

Morality and Ethics in Islam

Islamic culture is how we Muslims should behave. It is the way Muslims are taugh...

Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in the court of Yazeed

Sermon of Imam Sajjad (A.S.) in the court of Yazee...

am the son of the one who defended the Muslims, killed the oath breakers of all...

The purpose of divine trials and tests

The purpose of divine trials and tests

The topic of Divine trial is an issue of great debate and discussion. The first ...

Social Relations as Viewed by Imam Hasan al-Askari (A)

Social Relations as Viewed by Imam Hasan al-Askari...

In this article we are going to have a brief look at some of the narrations and ...

Imam Ali's Great Companion

Imam Ali's Great Companion

In the past I had a brother-in-faith [1] and he was prestigious in my view beca...

How can modern young women acquire and maintain good moral traits?

How can modern young women acquire and maintain go...

I have a friend in school who often sits with me, but she is not religious. All ...

The Philosophy of Raj'at (The Return)?

The Philosophy of Raj'at (The Return)?

After the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.s.), the Exalted Allah (s.w.t.) shall ca...