Islam Plus

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Imam ʿ Ali (P):

El mejor discurso es el que está decorado por una estructura agradable y lo comprenden tanto el [público] específico c...


الإمام السّجاد (عليه السَّلام):
Imam al-Sayyad (P):
Aquel que permanezca firme en nuestra tutela durante la ocultación de nuestro esperado Salvador, ...
الإمام الرّضا (عليه السَّلام ):
Imam ar-Ridha (P):
Qué buena es la paciencia y la espera del alivio (El Salvador Imam al-Mahdi)


Imam Ali (as) as Viewed by the Holy Prophet (S)

Imam Ali (as) as Viewed by the Holy Prophet (S)

...With that said, a question may arise here that while there were too many comp...

Sermon 20 of Nahj al-Balagha: Death and taking lessons from it

Sermon 20 of Nahj al-Balagha: Death and taking les...

Indeed, if you could see that which has been seen by those of you who have died,...

The Horse That No-one Could Ride (story)

The Horse That No-one Could Ride (story)

One day he the king was given a horse that refused to let anyone ride it. It was...

Luxurious Life

Luxurious Life

A life of luxury and lavishness is not desirable in Islam. Islam condemns such l...

How can we explain the verses which ascribe bodily attributes to God?

How can we explain the verses which ascribe bodily...

There is a group of attributes mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith like attributi...

Love of the Prophet's Ahlulbayt

Love of the Prophet's Ahlulbayt

Love of the Prophet's family is stressed both in the Qur'an and the Surnna. The ...

Printing and publishing in Islamic civilization

Printing and publishing in Islamic civilization

Islam is the religion of learning, reading, writing, teaching etc. That is why, ...

Necessity of judgment day, as viewed by the holy Quran

Necessity of judgment day, as viewed by the holy Q...

The holy Quran, addressing those who doubt about the resurrection asks: how do t...