Islam Plus

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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Morality and Ethics in Islam

Morality and Ethics in Islam

Islamic culture is how we Muslims should behave. It is the way Muslims are taugh...

2) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Sending Blessing upon Muhammad and his Household

2) Imam Sajjad's Supplication in Sending Blessing ...

After the praise of God he (upon him be peace) would supplicate by calling down ...

Status of Woman inside the Family

Status of Woman inside the Family

Do the woman and man represent the origin and branch in the family? Or do they h...

What is the reality of the Barzakh (intermediary world)?

What is the reality of the Barzakh (intermediary w...

Death is not the termination of life, but a transferal from one domain to anothe...

Love of the Prophet's Ahlulbayt

Love of the Prophet's Ahlulbayt

Love of the Prophet's family is stressed both in the Qur'an and the Surnna. The ...

17) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication Against Satan

17) His (Imam Sajjad's) Supplication Against Satan

His Supplication when he Mentioned Satan and Sought Refuge from him and from his...

The Three Questions (story)

The Three Questions (story)

One day a Bedouin Arab came to our 3rd Imam. Imam Husain (A). He said to the Ima...