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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



The scope of Man's freedom

The scope of Man's freedom

The freedom granted to the individual in such areas as economics and politics is...

The Diamond Cutter (story)

The Diamond Cutter (story)

...The man said that he was a jeweler who worked at the palace. Recently, the ki...

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik al-Ashtar Part 2

Imam Ali's Letter to Malik al-Ashtar Part 2

Written1 for (Malik) al-Ashtar an-Nakha'i, when the position of Muhammad ibn Abi...

If the Shi‘ah are right, then why are they in the minority?

If the Shi‘ah are right, then why are they in the ...

Recognition of truth from falsehood is not determined by the fewness or plentitu...

Attributes of the Divine Essence

Attributes of the Divine Essence

The attributes of the Essence are those which describe God in a manner that adeq...

The Black Stone Speaks (story)

The Black Stone Speaks (story)

After the death of Imam Husain (A), our 4th Imam, Imam Zain al-Abideen (A) and a...

What Non-Muslims Say About Islam, The Fastest Growing Religion in the World

What Non-Muslims Say About Islam, The Fastest Grow...

This is a collection of short quotations from a wide variety of Non-Muslim notab...