Sermon 95 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the condition of the people at the time of the Prophet's proclamation

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Sermon 95 of Nahj al-Balagha: About the condition of the people at the time of the Prophet's proclamation

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Allah sent the Prophet at a time when the people were going astray in perplexity and were moving here and there in mischief. Desires had deflected them and self-conceit had swerved them. Extreme ignorance had made them foolish. They were confounded by the unsteadiness of matters and the evils of ignorance. Then the Prophet - blessing of Allah be upon him and his descendants - did his best in giving them sincere advice, himself trod on the right path and called (them) towards wisdom and good counsel.

Alternative Sources for Sermon 95
(1) Al-Majlisi, Bihar, XVIII, 219.

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