Islam Plus

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Имам Али (мир ему!):


رسول الله (صلی الله علیه و آله):
Великий пророк (да благословит его Аллах и род его!):
будучи спрошен о том, кто самый проницательный из верующих: - тот, кто больше всех поминает смерт...
الإمام جعفر الصادق (عليه السَّلام ):
Имам Джафар Садик (мир ему!) :
Поистине, кто отвечает на все, о чем его спрашивают – сумасшедший.
الإمام علي (عليه السَّلام):
Имам Али (мир ему!):
Радость – основа возникающей любви.


Patience in the Qur'an

Patience in the Qur'an

Patience is one of the greatest virtues in Islam. Patience means a believer’s re...

24) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Parents (upon the two of them be peace)

24) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Parents (up...

O God, bless Muhammad, Thy slave and Thy messenger, and his Household, the pure,...

Status of Woman inside the Family

Status of Woman inside the Family

Do the woman and man represent the origin and branch in the family? Or do they h...

Why does Islam Impose Harsh Punishments for Sex outside Marriage

Why does Islam Impose Harsh Punishments for Sex ou...

Punishment in Islam has a social purpose, which is to dissuade others from commi...

What is the meaning of Divine Decree (Qada) and Measure (Qadar) in Islamic terminology?

What is the meaning of Divine Decree (Qada) and Me...

The term qadar in the Arabic language means 'measure' and 'portion'; and qada pe...

A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

A Brief Look at What Happens after Death

According to the Qur'an, belief in the hereafter and in the principle of ultimat...

25) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Children

25) Imam Sajjad's Supplication for his Children

O God, Make them (my children) pious, fearing, insightful, hearing, and obedient...