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Imam Ali (as):

The best speech is that which is decorated by a pleasant structure and is understood by the elite as well as the layme...



Imam Sadiq's Debate with “Abu Shakir” on Monotheism

Imam Sadiq's Debate with “Abu Shakir” on Monotheis...

One of the lengthy debates with Imam Ja’far Sadiq, peace be upon him, was the on...

If Prophet Abraham was infallible, why did he lie then?

If Prophet Abraham was infallible, why did he lie ...

According to the Quran, after Prophet Abraham broke the Idols into pieces, he sa...

Respect and Kindness to Parents

Respect and Kindness to Parents

While all religions and all societies have given parents an honorable status but...

The Divine Attributes (Attributes of God)

The Divine Attributes (Attributes of God)

Given the fact that the Essence of God is an infinite reality, having thus no li...

Rights of Children

Rights of Children

Just as food is a necessity for the growth of body, love and affection are neces...

Imam Ali's Sermon on the Virtues of the Pious

Imam Ali's Sermon on the Virtues of the Pious

It is related that a companion of Amir al-mu'minin called Hammam1 who was a man ...